I bake cakes for you.


Oftentimes I bake, sometimes I write, sometimes I share playlists.


My name is Joyce, and I bake things for you.

I've always loved to eat. My entire family is about food. We'd be sitting there, enjoying our lunch, and discussing what we should make for dinner. Living in Vancouver makes it easy to obsess over food. Food is constantly on my mind, particularly desserts. My dentist can attest to my strong love for desserts.

I am a self-taught baker. Though, I guess that's not entirely fair. I owe a lot to the Food Network and various blogs.

I remember my first batch of chocolate chip cookies, burnt to a crisp in my parents' oven—a relic from the '80s, so it was far from calibrated. But I was determined to make an edible batch.

So I baked another batch.

Then another batch.

And endless batches of cookies after that. When cookies didn’t scratch the itch, I moved onto cakes.

It was through this obsessive need to know everything about food that's resulted in this all-consuming love affair with all things food-related.

Aside from baking, I'm also a freelance Content Manager/Copywriter. I like rap, painting, dogs, IHOP, and bad puns. Oh, and pizza. I really, really love pizza.